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Thanks so much for the feedback and bug reports! There's a thread for the game on the official Daniel Mullins Games discord server where you can discuss the game and find games with other players.

Thanks for reporting the stim mage, bone heap bugs. I'll take a look at them asap.
Force mage is a very powerful card on paper, and it was banned in this game for a very long time. However it isn't as good in practice (in my experience) as it locks your opponent out of using the lane(s) with force mage as well, while still leaving at least one lane vulnerable (also force mage doesn't stop airborne attacks).

The missing act 2 cards (magnus mox and the spore cards) are banned from the deck editor due to being direct upgrades to existing cards, and may be added in future after being nerfed. The side deck cards (squirrels, skeletons, etc) are also missing due to being in the side deck. Rabbit may be added to the deck editor in future.

Hovering over card abilities in battle is a feature I definitely want to add in future (probably a tooltip when hovering over sigils). Coming soon, after I improve the multiplayer system.

Most abilities are explained, with the only current exception (that I know of) being the kraken / tentacle cards. Cards that cannot be hammered / sacrificed display in different colours atm, but this isn't explained properly yet. This will be improved in future.

Summoned cards being big is a stupid bug that happens every second time I compile the game. Will be fixed next build.

I missed oppossom and zombie! If you want to discuss future balance changes with other players (which is very influential in future changes), feel free to discuss it in the thread.

Thank you so much for the feedback!


Thanks for taking the time to reply, it feels really good to see a dev do something like this. Make it feel as though the fans are heard!

About the cards not showing up, it's due to them not having a cost. Like Tomb Robber doesn't show up when sorting for bones because he has no cost. Along with some of the others, this is what I was referring to. I understand that some cards aren't in because they are extremely unbalanced in a multiplayer sense!

I wish you nothing but luck, thanks for making such an amazing even better with a multiplayer option!

Thank you for the feedback!

If you have any suggestions for changes to (or new) search filters in the deck editor, let me know!