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CTPronpa!Coolguy answers your questions

"I- huh- What?"


"I- I really don't know..." "I'm in a fucking killing game how do you think I am?" "You're acting like I'm trying to die."




"What?" "Legos? Their fine, annoying to step on though..." "Monoblivion obviously."


"Again, I'm in a killing game, take a guess." "Bro those sites were like so 2022, its 2046 mate." "Haven't touched that shit in a long time, like last time was 2030? So I don't remember."


"First off... That sounds like something that someone I know would say...? Second, don't think they're quirky... Third, what the fuck?"


Thank you all for your questions, just remember next time that the CTPronpa variants of characters do not represent their irl person, they represent the CTP Crew lore versions of these characters.

So gayguy is canon

my sign is getting close to me with a knife