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What makes an artist? Is that talent and skill or genuine passion for self-expression?

Capturing real life through fiction in a way that resonates with people, that's the answer I can give after playing 'Artist'. So it's time to join Emsee on the quest to find some new inspiration for his drawings, outside of the house this time.

The first thing that you notice when playing the game is that the soundtrack is simply stellar! The forest theme is my personal favorite and 'Name Of God' is now my phone ringtone.

It's also great that the game allows you to avoid fighting by dodging enemies in the overworld. This adds some value to the gameplay and realism as enemies don't appear out of nowhere like in other rpg games.

As for bugs, I couldn't find any way to restart after losing, and loading the save data didn't work for me. There's also too much food in the overworld, making fights less challenging as you can infinitely gain HP by collecting cans over and over again. However, what I like about fighting is that you can convince enemies to stop the battle (once you beat them to death.) That's pretty cool.

Thank you for submitting your game to the Ms Paint's Jam.

Looking forward to playing games you make next!