Very cozy, indeed!
Is there any way to include other languages, like French, Portuguese and Russian? Also, maybe a folder where we can add our own quotes. I did not find where they are stored, but I did not try to manually open all the assets files. Maybe just shipping intructions on how to add to them, if it makes it easier for you.
I'd also like to point out that some people like to do everything via keyboard. While point-and-click games are not viable to do so, keyboard-centered games can, and perhaps should, make it easy to navigate via keyboard.
Is there a way to add tab selection, and alternative ways to control via keyboard? Like space/enter to select a button, up and down arrows, 123, alt+underlined_char, etc. Usually having two or three ways to navigate using keys is the best approach.
Congratulations on your work.
Once a full release comes, I'll sure spread this game among my friends.