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1050 TI and FX-8300, 8gb DDR3 1600mHz, Quest 2, very laggy (playable on 20% resolution) why this simple game so laggy? where graphic settings? How to connect to friends?

we don’t talk about what went wrong with optimization, also 1050 ti is barely vr ready.  And there isn’t multiplayer unfortunately 

ok I just searched up your specs and no offense but they are pretty old. That’s probably not going to be able to much vr games at the q2 resolution 

well, I've played beat saber, budget cuts, job/vacation simulator and phasmophobia, I know the games are old, but they're going quite well for me, playing at minimal settings is comfortable, I know my computer is old, although I've updated almost all the hardware very recently, I don't have money for more