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Ssn 3 of the show about the rain stick academy

What the pants is even happening. This season really went batshit crazy. Klaus is immortal, well until every atom in the universe collapses in on itself, but currently he’s immortal. I feel so sad for Ben. Klaus is the best as always, also dressed the best as always. Two idiots are getting married as the world tears itself apart. Allison is a fucking asshole and I hope the end of the world eats her alive. Viktor tried to make up with the fucking asshole but failed because the fucking asshole is a fucking asshole. Reggie dude is… I don’t even know what to say about it. Five is drunk. Am I missing anyone? Does it even matter- I’m on the last two episodes and I already feel like I took 10 different types of drugs at the same time.

So this was fun. I feel like shit. I know what’s happening yet I couldn’t be more lost. Very fun. Anyway.

Stranger things Volume 2 is coming out tomorrow

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lol nice


Tumblr literally made a whole ass thing for it to

did you know that I'm sick? And I don't know why I'm watching the last two episodes of the umbrella... bird place, hotel whatsitsface thing. I already read the comic this season is based off of, I know how this ends, unless they changed the ending, it would be weird if they changed the ending right. Anyway, Klaus is still better than everyone and always will be, I can't tell if Klaus or Viktor is stronger, because on one hand Klaus is immortal, on the other, Viktor ended the world twice and could also probably destroy everyone without even trying if he wanted to. But Klaus and Ben saved the world the first time using Klaus's powers. It's all very confusing you know.


Also I didn't know that show existed so-

what show?

ohhhhhhh rain stick academy. I just spoiled everything, sorry

The Umbrella Academy is great, you should watch it.