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(1 edit)

Now on 'No One Cares': more of me being a literal 5 year old.

Dude, ok so my sisters went out to buy stuff. And they just came back and they bought chocolate rabbits, and idk why but, when I saw them, my immediate re-action was to pick them up and bounce them around while saying "boing" for each bounce. IDK why it was just so funny to me, I was laughing so much at it, it's so stupid. I'm a literal child.

This is like how all I can see is Pac-Man when I look at the LG logo and just laugh to myself for the sole reason of "haha Pac-Man."

Or how I laugh at the joke "what do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? An irrelephant" even though I know it's not funny, but still... irrelephant. Irrelephant. It's so stupid, I love it.