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My fiance and I play and rate these games together, and she immediately fell in love with this game. Instead of our usual "play a few minutes, rate, comment, and move onto the next game" routine, she played this one for at least fifteen minutes straight, going through the entire game twice. 

Some of my favorite quotes of hers were:

  • "I would pay so much money for this."
  • "Bang! Bang bang! Yesssssss."
  • "I never make B's!" makes a C
  • "Tell them I said it's pretty." (She's 23 and an English teacher. She's just in such a stupor that she can't think of bigger words.)

Art and music were beyond superb. Gameplay was solid with no discernible bugs. 

Please, for my own sanity, add more levels so she can stop bugging me. 


Wow! Thank you for your comment! We will defintely finish the game! Your words literally motivate us super lot!