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Hi, the idea of duplicating the cube to solve the level, with the change switching side mechanics was really cool! Well done :D

A suggestion if you plan to work again on this project after the Jam. If you hit space in the wrong place, you could get stuck and have to wait for the countdown before restarting. It would be good to have a restart level button :)


Come to comment also my entry, I really appreciate feedbacks that help to improve :D


Thank you! it means a lot to me :D

I do plan on continuing working on this game after the game jam, so I will make sure to add a restart button.

Thank you for checking my game out! and yeah you will see a comment there soonish :P

Oh geez, I just realized something. apparently there was a restart button and I didn't knew about it at all XD

My partner made it so R on the keyboard remove all duplications on the screen.