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"Get a hobby" seems to be bugged. I read V's book and it now says to go back and talk to her but nothing happens when I do, its just the normal dialogue. 

I also can't see the quest for building the gym. I forgot what materials I need and it doesn't say anywhere nor is there even appearing to be an option to give them to Q. 

Is it important to complete the slimegirl's quest for a milkshake? I don't really want my character to grow breasts. Or maybe it would be possible to add something like TF potions that could reset any changes you've had. If your goal is to make the TF optional which is what it seems like (thank you by the way) then I think this makes sense. 

Lastly, I was just curious if there will be any actual sex in this game? I'll still play it either way. 

Otherwise, I'm enjoying this game so far. Its pretty rare to find a game that lets you play a femboy without turning to a full woman or trying to humiliate the player.