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Aw, I reached the end. If there was ever a jam entry that suffered from being unfinished, this is it: There's a lot to like here, which makes the emptiness regrettable.

I loved the graphics! The backgrounds in particular are beautiful. Fading out slightly as health got low was a nice touch. The music was quite good, though it got a bit repetitive. The "getting hit with a projectile" sound effect is weirdly cheerful for damage. The checkpoint sound effect is particularly satisfying.

Platforming controls were mostly good. But, as mentioned earlier the fall is oddly fast. I can remember no use for the dash, which is just as well because it'd be hard to use on the mouse (though I'd have liked to watch the fox dash more!) It was hard to use the mouse to attack: WASD and mouse might be doable, but WASD to maneuver and Space to jump and mouse to attack made combat too hard for my dexterity level. I ended up trying to run past enemies as much as possible, though this wasn't always feasible (at least until the fish dash): An individual enemy can have a whole lot of projectiles in the air at once, and they'll all catch up with you. There's a hitch when jumping and pressing into a wall that stops short of the full jump height, which made jumping up large steps more awkward.

Kudos on making the whole map available at once, that saved a lot of time going places with nothing but unusable money. I noticed that the gold doesn't actually get lost when respawning. Kind of cruel putting a checkpoint at the dead end of the forest. I found myself relying on the map to navigate, as I didn't get much of a sense of place out of the level layout.

I'd love to play a complete version of this game, I'll be following for progress!