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Seriously doe the game is great but post public updates more often! That way porn game sites will update this game on their sites and have it show up on the front page more often which will get you more fans/supporters!

1. This month's donations beg to differ ;)

2. Even if they didn't, it is about the amount of extra hatred I get over public releases, which also take longer to release. 

Do you plan on doing more public releases in the future or will it become paid game from now on?

PS: I am glad that you are getting more support and donations lately keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+1)

As I said, the decision was made for peace of mind alone, so public releases will resume once I feel comfortable and confident about it. The donations are indeed a nice perk, but I just want to write (and have people read) lewd things without getting harassed by random people who clearly don't like a text game to have text, a loop game to have a loop, or an oblivious character to be oblivious.

I dont mind the text because thats what makes this a porn game with a story otherwise its just porn! Although it would be better to add some porn clips for visual aid(If you can find) then again this is your game so who tf am I to tell you how to make it!

Peace V!