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this game certianly has potential, graphically on the quest its rather good, and character models look nice also, however there a few points which are lackluster and i hope my advice shall help.

Sound improvement and voice lines, what they say gets mixed up into different positions im guessing this int intentional but it is there, and ambience sounds will need a little work, it feels... bleak.

character hand models? just to add more realism, being able to grab and such would be nice and adds more interactivity, the game felt like a walking simulator from time the time with just sex added in, i say add random things ,like vending machine, or tapping on laptops or something more side stuff to do, even implement some basic minigames to spice it up.

And lasty, animations and atmosphre of game, now, lets be honest, the chrarcters are rather lifeless, from where they stand to what they do and even in the bed, focus more on fail aniamtion and head animation, when you do a certian thing (like for example when you grab a  certian spot they make a certian face, which again, the need for hands.) also them jut standing there, give them something, like typing on a  keyboard or walking about, or doing stuff, give hem more life.

Now hopefully this advice will help, other then that this game has lots of potential and could be really good, i highly advice playing and even support the developer, 

and hell its just a beta so there will be bugs and lack of content so far, but this game does look good so far.

thanks. It's really just a basic basic demo. There will be hands and better animations and such as it goes forward.

Gay content? hehe

ya never know