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Yo! After the first conversation with Poppy, I touched the crystal, I talked to the Professor, but when I try to walk out of the map, the game crashes. Sorry, I didn't took a Screen Shot, but it's something like "Type error Failed to execute "GetprogramParameter" on WebGLblablabla".

Maybe it's just my computer, but it's worth checking out - I guess you can fix it before the submission time runs out.

(4 edits) (+1)

Interesting. I play tested it several times before submitting it. Thanks! I'll take a look! 

Edit: I attempted to recreate the error and cannot. I did as you said; after speaking with poppy, I touched the crystal,  spoke to the professor, and then attempted to leave the area. Instead, I got the message (the one you're supposed too) saying that you must equip your weapon and armour before leaving.

Edit Edit: Was there anything else that happened? Are you sure about that order? I'm going to try a couple things and see what happens.

I've equiped my weapon and armour beforehand, just after receiving them. Maybe that was the cause of the problem...

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeah. I cannot recreate it. That's odd. I tried it with and without the weapons. I've downloaded it on four separate house computers and none of them can recreate the error. That's sooooo weird. 

After seeing this I too tried recreating this bug but had no success.