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(1 edit) (+11)

One of the best porn game concepts I've ever played

1. Amazing artwork: all the girls look incredible and what else could you ask for in a porn game. Lots of variety, from absolutely adorable, to completely badass, and stunningly beautiful

2. The premise is intriguing and believable; a lot of porn games shirk a compelling story concept in order to flesh out the "good stuff" more, but this game does NOT do that. Not only is the story/world/premise believable in a fantasy genre sense, but it's one of the only porn games I've ever played where I actively WANT to know more about the story/lore and characters, and also what happens next. It's just that well written, in my opinion

3. The combat, while nothing incredible in terms of flashy-ness or style, is actually very fun from an RPG standpoint. Making the battles battles of sex is genius (my only hope is that the in-battle artwork continues to get more dynamic and fleshed out in the future; i.e clothing removal, different poses/artwork, etc). The stat/skills system is also nicely fleshed out and satisfying, with different builds and fighting styles easy to identify and plan out

4. The descriptions of all the "sexy-time" stuff that happens in the game is also very well done and so hot; it's just as well written as the story and lore. With a decent variety of scenarios and fetishes for different people to enjoy, the quality and variety only continues to improve as the game gets updated