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(1 edit)

Day 62 - No new concept today because I just made a full-on soundtrack for this game. 

Again, I can't provide the soundtrack because it's beyond max size and there is no such thing as uploading audio for a comment :/

But what I can do is provide the png of the soundtrack and the soundtrack is uploaded at my twitter post, yay :D

This soundtrack's name is Creep Of A Long Fall, played at the first area, Stone Dump. It intends to have a mysterious and creepy vibe.

You literally and figuratively fall into a possible abandoned mine, barely survive the fall and immediately weaken, how is it not scary at first :|

Now, this soundtrack won't be played every time the player get to the Stone Dump, after reaching Riverfall, the soundtrack is calmer, knowing that every mine, especially a live mine has another exit and you seek that same exit.

And before I go, I want you to know that this is the first soundtrack that went public ever, I tried in the past, but wasn't really good. Also I got another thing, but tomorrow alright ;)