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OK so u know how Poptropica has been turned into a stupid kids game cuz kids are "stupid" and can't comprehend things or whatever? It got W O R S E

So they're re-releasing the old islands as we all know, they're also heavily simplifying them because kids are "stupid" and games shouldn't encourage them to think and be creative because that's logical and we don't do that here. But they decided they wanted to take it a step further. 

"Bro, what if, instead of just simplifying the islands, we also make the previously membership ones not membership..."

"But that's a good thing, and we don't do that here, we're a money hungry corporation." 

"No yeah and get this... we make the islands that weren't with membership, with membership. And I'm not done. We release the first part of islands that are series... then make the second part membership."

"Oh my god... you're a genius."

"And they'll also be heavily simplified so when they buy membership they still get let down."

"Wow I should promote you."

"And you know the store and how we usually gave them access to buy all items whenever they want wherever they want?"


"...there's now a physical store they have to go to instead of being able to easily access it anywhere, to buy something they have to leave the island and go to home to enter the store. Not only that, we only show like 10 items at a time and it changes every week so they only have a week to buy the stuff. And actually the membership clothes are pretty much the exact same to non membership clothes we just try to make them look more fancy so they buy membership."

"dude do you just wanna take over?"

"Really, thanks man!"

And the new Jade Scarab island is... it's definitely an island that exists, it's got characters who have designs and and it was certainly created as a game, the developers probably felt an emotion while working on this, the idea for this island has existed, and it's got some jokes that are certainly in there.