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thanks for keeping us up to date with your current progress :-)

Quality of life improvements: All 3 of them look really good.

Harassment chances: I like the idea of dynamic harassment chances. What I do not really get is what exactly you calculate. Does it mean that you calculate one harassment chance, and then where the harassment happens? In other words, if you are harassed in the morning, you are safe while loading? Or is it the probability for each of the events? I would prefer the latter, on some days you're lucky and nothing happens at all, some days you get a single harassment, but some days seem to be cursed and you feel like you are stalked on every step you go.

About the panel with he harassment chances, I would make it optional, like the mission payment calculation. Some players love to see every calculation, while for others this is over-information.

Your future todo-list seems to be in the right order. The missing higher level obligations and personal transport scenes are the spots where the game feels most like in progress. While scenes on night time activities would be great, this is not where you feel like something is missing. I would even go further and first write all high level obligations before writing the night time scenes.

Thanks, yeah, it's as you say, it's the probability for each of the events, individually. So for example, the main character could be harassed while walking to the office, and then harassed again after loading. But if she walked to the office without being harassed, then she won't be harassed if she left the office and then came back into the office again, that same day.