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In the encounter with Nameless after the Lizard Treasure Quest where you can choose what you think of him does that choice have any impact besides what you get from him afterwards?
I have been pretty against him this whole time but I do want that cock ring or collar but if its a semi important choice I can look past them.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure that decision there will affect to the future events or something like that, maybe an item we got will be a requirement for some Nameless's events.

But in this current update (0.43) there still no effect from that decision. I think if that decision will strongly affect to some events in the future updates, Hyao must warn us, just like when we must choose to serve him or not. Sometime I think it just an event which give us some item like Halloween Event.

For now we don't know how huge those consequenses are if we decide to feel aroused by him and serve him or not, then again Hyao added the Plains of Death event with also the intention if  some people lowkey regretted their choice to serve him and can somewhat change their 'relationship' status.

If you choose to serve him like I did then you still have the chance to refuse his sex offer, he will then look at you a bit different..


Provided that is all a WIP, it's a minor choice that shouldn't have great consequences like the other nameless choices. 

Personally, I've chosen the cockring, since the bracelet has the worst stat and I have th neck slot occupied with the amulet of strong mind.

I think you're supposed to choose the bracelet if you want to attack him, the collar if you want to defend from him and the cockring if you want to fuck him.

I don't know if some effects of the bracelet or the collar are already implemented, but if you have sex with him while wearing the cockring, Nameless comments something positive about you, like that he's glad you're wearing his gift. My hypotesis is that Nameless has an hidden like sistem and having sex wearing the cockring rewards you more likes than having sex without it. 

On that note I'm not suggesting to have sex with Nameless, but if you're having sex with him I think is better to equip his cockring (I don't know if wearing his others gifts does something in any occasion).

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I don't know

If you don't wear his cockring then he won't comment on it. That's for sure.

I don't know what he will say if wear a bracelet or collar.