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(2 edits) (+1)

Guys Alex can't add like 5 million suggestions. On some of the suggestions he has to pass and decline them, but on some other suggestions he will add them in the game. 

He is only a human, not a 24Hours working robot, so stop giving him soooo many suggestions while expecting him to 100% add all of them.

ik. i even think half of my suggestions never be added tho ._ .

And maybe he is not going to add any of my suggestions

the reason of this would be cause you spammed some of them hard.

(2 edits)

Bro maybe he did not read any of my suggestions but maybe he will add the other suggestions in another update and add some suggestions in this update ok? Bro you saw nothing I have so much more suggestions more than 20 suggestions and I will still give him suggestions I dosen't care at least my suggestions are the best I think


"bro bro bro" are you cool now?

Ikr. Everything his saying is "bro"

in my country, "bro" is outdated and you become a laughing stock when say it. This guy shouldnt make vacation here or the whole country may laugh at him ._.

Stop being annoying

can you stop being annoying

says the right one

Literally half of your suggestions is just asking him to add new items from bb+ and gamemodes from bb+. How are they "the best"?

ye i was also thinking "yours arent the best" MINE NOT TOO, I WONT SAY THAT!

Nope I have more suggestions about codes and items so dont try and I'm sure my suggestions are better