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It's all good! I'm gonna check it out.

Hello! I've read your review on App Store. Have you got any ideas how to make the game better? I'd like to get 5 stars from you)

Ah- hello! I might actually bump it up to 4 stars because it's a little better now that I'm farther in the game- but if you really want it to be 5 stars then add more polish and features and I might!

I'll try)

I did find something a little weird. Whenever I get reviews for when I release a new product /sometimes/ they don't make sense. I released a processor earlier and all the reviews were around 8 and 9. But one of the reviews were a 1/10 but the text said it was amazing- meaning that the review didn't make much sense. This has happened a few times but other than that this game is great.

There are 4 reviews: for price (for extra charge), for new technologies, for modernity (in comparison with competitors’ products from news) and total review. So one review can be 1, another can be 10, it’s normal) Just read the reviews to understand why you got such rating

P.s. hope my English is ok)

Alright thanks for making it clear what they were. Also your English is perfectly fine.