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also, Adrian’s defense is also to just push everyone away. They can’t leave you if you leave them first.

You ain't wrong dude-but like Idk I kinda got the sense that there was character development there-

Idk I don’t actually remember exactly what happened. I do know that Salem is having a whole, well idk if it’s a panic attack, I’ve never had one and I don’t know anyone who’s had one, but something’s happening, because he’s worried they’re all alone on the entirety of planet E Arthe


That’s it, that’s what I remember. I also remember arguing. They had like 4 different arguments in barely a day.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH-yeahhhhh I do remember thatttt-

I legit don’t remember anything else, I need to re-read the whole thing to remember it

yeah dude idk I just like-found it 

idk… I can’t socialize 😰
