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Let me tell you what happened. I added golden baldi because a friend of mine wanted me to add it. But later, I got drama (not explaining what it is, it's not related with the character) with them and they asked me to remove the character from the mod because of it.

I can't explain it all but let me know any questions.

Can I suggest you about items in different mods?

dont think so. they are still owned by an other guy so i think not.

(2 edits)

Bro but if he ask them and they give him the permission then he can add the items I suggested him an item called golden coin from baldi in a little bit of everything mod but what if he change the name of the item can he add it to the game then?

HE WILL NOT! if he wont accept character suggestions from other mods then he wont accept the items from the mod. There is a developer that allowed things from his mod since he stopped it so i asked SWA adding some things and then he said (altrough the developer allowed it) he still dont add things from other mods!