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Hey! Love the mod, adding family members really reminded me of the old strive. Great Job.

Is it possible to request a feature here? I'd love quick animations. What I really want is near-instant animations, both for combat and between screens. I do not know if the time for the screen switching between windows is made for purpose of letting the game load screens but it is just too slow. I figured out how to speed up animations myself, but it was only the animation - for fight starts and so on - the time for the screen to move is still the same. I would love it if it was near-instant or even instant.

- Between town/mansion/villages/dungeons

- Start/End of fights

- Combat animations (attacks etc)

- Fade in/Fade out of loot/chest lockpicks

As adventurer and dungeon diver strive player, all those small actions make the game way less optimal. It is sure nice for the first 30 min of the game, but when you start managing 5 dungeon parties and the fights go in hundreds the inefficiency is so damn bothersome. It might be nice to make a scale where we can speed up/make it normal.

Also I got a question, I was looking into doing some modding myself, but I do not know where to start, what program do you guys use?

What I was thinking was to add an auto looting and auto lockpicking feature.

The loot would automatically bypass the looting screen and appear in a similar way to the girl's chatboxes which appear after the battle and fade away. Can you maybe point me where to look, I was taking a look at the combat events but not sure where haha.

The auto-lockpick would feature a solo portrait box next to the available character boxes and if you put a character there he will be chosen to lockpick/dissaemble trap automatically. You know, for optimization haha.

PS. Is it possible to make Lolis optional?

I'll try adding faster animations for stuff you mentioned, most likely as a toggle in options or as an optional download, dunno about making a scale sounds like a pain. No promises on when, last time i made such claim i was a week late...

Personally i use notepad++ with Comapre and JSON Viewer plugins, also custom syntax highlighting and custom function list. VSC is probably better but i am way to used to npp. Not sure where to guide you regarding coding itself since i don't know you skill level. Personally all i use is but that may be a bit confusing.

When it comes to helping with modding just dm me on dc, its just way more convinient than chatting here.

Disabling loli module isn't currently possible, what you can do is in src/core/ set child_age_weight to 0.
They won't generate as random slaves if you do that.
Babies will still spawn as children, and you can still use youthning potion to turn a teen into a child, also they will still be present in character creation.