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It isn't that easy to just make an android version, it's more technical than just changing the controls. We don't have plans on working out an android device for now. You can try the Puffin Browser though, maybe that could work on mobile.


I know that... i just was trying to help by giving ideas.

But hopefully you updated the mobile version. And i wish there were different special attacks or ways to level up your resistance and health. ...maybe as a reward for beating the stage or unlocking more gallery?

(Like new powers. I have two ideas if this can happen... but idk. It could be interesting.)


Since tapping is sorta like the mouse and keyboard... but hey, hopefully you do end up finding a way to port to android. It would help since you said the browser isnt as fast..


the main isuse wolud more be the engeine it runs on. witch cant run on andoird in any native way