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Not sure if this is just happening to me or if its meant to be doing this, but does anyone know why the laptop screen remains blank whilst Spudge and Dice are typing during both of their events in 0.10.0? Its basically making the events unplayable because I'm missing huge portions of said events, and Sensei's responses don't give me enough to even guess at half of it.

Tried going back to earlier spudge and dice events and its only the new ones that seem to be having this with (though didn't test them all). Also tried redownloading game but same issue.

I said in the latest devlog that Spudge and Dice use text-to-speech now, which uses the sound volume channel in Renpy.

Ah, thanks. Don't generally look too close at changelogs apart from to see who new events are for, so missed that. And since I leave volumes at renpy's default, the music was drowning out the text to speech stuff.