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Hi there! I LOVED this game. The story was so well written and thought out. I was theorizing with Priya and Elena about what happened at Masthill the entire time. It felt like a new (and original) storyline, but still had an amazing mix of murder mystery, cult dealings, and ghost hunting (basically all the spooky things you could want). The pacing was great, and the ending was so worth it! 

I wish I had known that there were more dialogue options sooner. I didn't notice the color change in Elena's dialogue box until the game was half done. That was probably just my mistake, but I still thought I'd mention it in case other people ran into the same thing. 

Thank you so much for sharing your game with the world - and I hope this review convinces more people to play it!

VACANT / A narrative pixel horror game - Ann Kutyna


Thank you so much!