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There seems to be a compatibility issue between the remaster's apk and the chapter 12's apk, will look into it further. Haven't slept yet.

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when I tried the book 2 it then said even if loaded the latest save that did not know me and needed to play book 1. Same if I just pressed start game. My phone is up to date and I'm using a Samsung phone if that helps u any. Liked the first book and can't wait to play the 2nd one. At least now know about the problem.

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Sorry, there was an unforeseen compatibility issue with the remastered book 1 and the new book 2, I've put up the old book 1.. No difference between remastered book 1 and old book 1, just visuals.

Kindly install the old book 1, and complete that before you install book 2.


thank u will do that and it was very nice of u to respond and complete a fix around. I would never blame the makers of a game for compatibility problems for a new update or remastering when it's just come out to many products to have an issue with.