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I never once said that the game should be "free of criticism".  I said that you're  overreacting over something that can be easily fixed by simply replaying the game you keep complaining about.

And as for your third point you still don't seem to get the picture. I see now that you are a person that cannot understand plain reasoning if it punched you in the face. The reason you don't get this plethora of info about certain decisions is due to the fact that these choices are a direct portrayal of ACTUAL LIFE. You call me delusional, yet you expect a game that uses realism to spoon feed you fifty pros and cons about a singular moment before you make a decision? Are you mental? The game makes you think on your feet, plan out your choices like a chess player for later moves. That's literally the essence of the game since it's about bloody TIME TRAVEL! Of course you're going to make one or sixty wrong decisions during each chapter, that's the whole reason there's a reload system. If you find that to be a useless mechanic then you must be a lazy person naturally. Getting ruffled by the fact that the game dev doesn't want to hold you hand throughout the game? Come on, man. What AVN have you played that gives you X-ray vision into 100% percent of the choices you as the player are meant to make ON THEIR OWN?

You are right. Not all games are like this. But MOST games are like this. Once In A Lifetime, Deviant Anomalies, bloody Harem Hotel, and even My Bully Is My Lover, to name a short few.

My issue isn't that you are offering concrit, bruv. The issue is that you're pointing out a problem you have with the game that literally 90% of other games posses because they are AVN's.

Nevertheless, I won't bother with this any longer, you have my word. Can't believe we're having a debate over a game mechanic.


Eh, it's not really a debate. Other people agree with my comment and opinion about blind choices.

Harem Hotel
is nothing like Ripples. It's a sandbox with no miss-able content. It's one of my favorites so far! The Headmaster is REALLY Good too. Amazing expanding sandbox with no wrong choices.

If you've been paying attention, replaying the game is my personal gripe and not a valid solution. And to think Ripples is like chess... yeah you probably mentally align with the guy who thinks math equations are opinions.

It's okay that people don't like the same things you do. How shitty would the world be if everyone liked the same thing? Maybe the internet isn't the right place for you, bruvington brokowski.


The Headmaster is literally one of those games whereby if you pick the wrong choice, it blocks out the development of a certain route. It even encourages replaying, something you have gripes with. Way to contradict yourself.

But you're right, mate. I've been hot headed for no reason about something this utterly stupid. Allow me to apologize.

And I'm perfectly fine with my opinions online, thank you. The only reason I replied your comment is to defend the game.