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Oh thank you so much :3 it's my first jam ^^

(1 edit)

Alright, I can play it now and it looks nice but when I use the blink skill it pulls me back to the start afterwards. I can't progress further.

I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong?

Are you using the "E" key for the blink? If you die by damaging yourself with the space bar then you should respawn losing all your bonus damage (dead is only the beginning :P), but the "E" key should only make you blink.

E is the movement skill? or am I doing it wrong? :P

I blink to a spot but right after something drags me back to the start spot. and there's a cooldown on the blink spell so I can't spam blink myself further into the level.


Dam thats weird. For me, it works just fine. 

Wait, didn't you try to move with a right click? Maybe I should put that into the instructions, was obvious to me and didn't do it D:

Oh gosh! that's it :P 

I had been left clicking everywhere ^^