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Hi! Love the channel, the game is very promising and feels like something I could lose a few hours in without realizing haha

I do have a couple ease-of-use things that I'm having trouble with:

- Having to press E to pick up the magnet manually. An option to automatically pick up the magnet when I'm over it would help a great deal

- Not being able to move while aiming. I feel like I could line up my shot just perfectly if only I could move (perhaps slower than normal) while in aim mode.

- Having to press a separate key to cancel aim mode. More often than not I end up throwing the magnet around and losing my aiming spots. This one might just need some more time spent on my end playing, but who knows

- Visual distinctiveness of the barriers that the magnet can pass through but not the player character. The first real puzzle room took me a few tries before I realized that it wasn't that my jump was too short (though, I did struggle with that in the tutorial when it took me a second to make it out of the first gap); it was a barrier next to the magnet that I couldn't pass.

Despite all that I'm having fun with the game! Keep working at it and hopefully it gets even better :)