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I'm loving it so far! The movement feels great and I love the little animations for the PC. I even had a few of those "Ah-ha!" moments you've been talking about! Here's a few observations/recommendations:

- Toggling the polarity symbols in the accessibility menu only seems to apply to the magnet and not the fields, even when entering a new level.

- Another nitpick about the menu I have is that when checking boxes, the last one you click is highlighted in red. This made it slightly confusing when trying to see what options I had selected, though I realize that will probably change once you get to making the menus look pretty anyway.

- I found that the default button for picking up and throwing the magnet (E) felt a little clunky. I noticed in the options that the left and right mouse accomplish the same thing and felt much better, so I think that should be what the tutorial indicates or at least makes more clear.

- I think the tutorial level should be accessible after its completed, just in case players want to go back to see the tips again. 

- I noticed some dotted boxes with various symbols showing up in the background beyond the borders of the level. I'm not sure if these are meant to environmental details or are just visual bugs but if it's the former, I think they could probably be implemented better. As they are, they felt out of place and unintentional. 

- My only design gripe is about the key/door system. I don't really feel like it fits the theme of the game all that well.  It also seemed odd that I was throwing my magnet through a pipe to open a door rather than using the key I collected. I don't have any good alternatives to recommend but I think I saw another comment mention something to with batteries may be more fitting. 

- Finally, whether the keys stay or get replaced with something else, I think the item that is collected at the end of the level should still be there if you attempt the level again later. Otherwise it can be difficult to figure out what the objective of the level was originally. Maybe something similar to how Celeste shows strawberries you've already collected as grey?

Overall, this project is very promising and I'm VERY excited to see where it goes! :)