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First off, I want to say I really enjoyed this demo and love your videos. Feedback:

  • The tutorial doesn't specify the mouse is used to aim, which left me really confused at first, and I don't think it should be needed. Since the character can't move while throwing the magnet anyway, I'd prefer to use the arrow keys to aim in order to not have to keep moving my hand away from the arrow keys to the mouse each time I wanted to throw the magnet. 
  • The very first thing done with the button was kinda confusing since I had to jump to do it, but maybe it would have been easier knowing I could aim properly.
  • The number of keys fades out slightly after the actual key itself, and for some reason that's been really bothering me the whole time.

Other than those small nitpicks, I'd say it's going great, and I can't wait to play the next version :)