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(9 edits)

- Make the minus on the magnet a different color or position; it looks like it's an elongated or misaligned pole. Maybe keep it horizontal at all times, like a UI floater.

- Add level numbers. This make it easier to look for walkthroughs or talk about the puzzle online.

- The ...6th? level should have a hoover nozzle that sucks you (or the magnet) out of the pit and deposits you onto the main floor out of a vent. Either that or detect locked states and offer to restart. No, definitely the first thing.

- I'd like to see puzzles based on INDUCTION :-) throw the magnet though a coil. Add springs for continued motion. Add springs on conveyor belts to get them into the right configuration.

- Keyboard input: either make the character movable during aim (might break game mechanics) - or - make the arrow keys change the angle of the throw. No mouse required.

- Please make a key (or tell me how) to cancel a throw. Space or...

- Also the 6th level: when the switch is on, and you're in the corner, you can't drive up the switch. The other way around IS possible.

- Another idea: put the key in a cage that can be moved around somehow. Only at the "end" point can you access it.

- Or make the key red (magnetic) sometimes. Guide it using the magnets.

- Upon finally getting the solution of the 6th level, I find it really awesome! One improvement: move the platform to the left of the tractor beam 1 block to the left. That makes it clear you can't jump across from left to right.