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I played your game. You did better in 3D than I could have in such a short amount of time. I did notice that when you spam the attack button it keeps restarting the attack animation over. I recently had the same problem and fixed it with animation events. Granted that wass in Unity but I am sure Unreal has something similar. What I had to do is tell it to disable the attack button at the start of the animation and re-enable it at the end that way you don't have that restart effect.  Also just a note when you build your game check off the box for windowed mode or put in a way to quit the game. I had to use my task manager to quit. Over all pretty good job I enjoyed it.

Thank you! I had a moment of panic as in the final hour my game would not package at all when I was trying to clean some small things and had planned on making it easier to quit as well, I think some of my blue print code I stapled on top for the attack animation got scuffed in the process as well. I will definitely take your suggestion though when I attempt to fix  the issue. Thanks again!

No problem I know that was super frustrating for me to figure out how to fix and wanted to pass it along maybe save you some wasted hours.