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Sorry for the question, but why do you copy/paste your saves? If you download the version and simply open it you don't see all your previous saves?


Ah, yeah back when I tried to switch from 0.37 to 0.38 I looked up how to carry over savefiles, and I found couple of comments where you had to copy and paste it...

When I tried to do it without copy pasting it didn't work, so yeah I've been doing it like this just to be sure.. It's not complicated at all so I don't mind doing it everytime.


Ok, thanks. I've always though is was just to be sure to have all the savefile in the same folder, next time I'll answer correctly!


Well.. Now that I think about it, I never went past the titlescreen when didn't copy paste the save folder.. so I never saw the saveslots actually. I did however saw the previous build and not the newest, so maybe that's why I did the copy pasting just to be sure.


Ok thanks for the explanation, I'll take that in consideration!