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I assume that you choose a Normal Logan route. Have you cure Bernard yet? Because the one who ask you to looking for Caleb. If you already cure him, go talk with him after his work hour (maybe after 20.00 I'm not sure).

(3 edits)

I've chose the corrupted path then cured Bernard, went to go find Caleb multiple times but there was nothing in the wolve's den that give a clue about Caleb.


Have you done all this things? You can't go alone to the forest to find Caleb, you need to do the "Looking for Caleb" talk with Bernard at night and win the various fights against the werewolves (if you fail you can retry the following night).

BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Ask about the hunt Ask about his friend; End Shopkeeper’s Sickness storyline FM23y BI07
FOREST GO TO THE COTTAGE HUNT Ask about the hunt; Fr: 18:00-24:00 FM24 BI08
-x-Sleep in one bed L40 FM25 BI09
-x--Stay close First H FM26 BIend
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Talk about the hot spring First Heart FM27 BII01
HOT SPRINGS Wait for Bernard Talk about the hot spring- Agree or Tease him a little, Sat/Sun: 18:00-24:00 FM28 BII03
-xx-Sit close to him-Look at him Second H FM29 BIIend
GENERAL STORE – ENTER/LEAVE THE SHOP BERNARD’S INVITE TO VISIT AFTER WORK Ask about his well-being after antilycan?; Second H FM30 BIII01
GENERAL STORE – TALK Plans for the night Second Heart; 20:00-24:00 FM31 BIII02
Stay for the night 20:00-24:00; Plans for the night FM32 BIII03
-Stay Third H FM33 BIIIend
GENERAL STORE – TALK Looking for Caleb-Yes +3L Third Heart; 20:00-24:00; Wolf’s bane; Antilycan FM34 CI01

If something is unclear or my comment doesn't help let me know.

So, it turns out I had to follow the "!" mark and then put the alpha werewolf to sleep, then increase my libido.

When I saved Caleb I was with Bernard, I didn't fight the alpha werewolf and increasing your libido shouldn't be possible during fights unless the enemy is unteasable. Your comment confuses me, because contraddicts what I've always done, and makes me worry that my guide is too much incomplete since my comment wasn't usefull to you. If you confirm that that is what you've done, I'll try to replay this part like you did, so I can update the guide. Sorry for my disbelief, I didn't know what you did was possible. XD

(1 edit) (+1)

May I ask? Have you already get any heart with Bernard and go to hunt with him at the hut in forest?