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Thank you too, for always giving me great feedback. :) Getting feedback from you and others here is what really encourages me to keep developing this game! :D

I really appreciate how much time and thought you put into testing this game and giving me your insights. Without your help, the game really wouldn't be where it is now. Would it be okay for me to add you to the credits, under special thanks?


If you should ever add a special thanks section, I would feel honored if you put me in. But it is low prio, other development is much more important ;-)

I've  read the comments of the other users, and there are a few points I want to add.

- More different clothing items (like HoshiHonk proposed) sounds nice in the first few, but it has a major twist. Already in the current endgame, her look often is not very slutty because many clothing slots have the non-slutty version. If you add more slots, this feeling could increase. Imagine she wears neither panties nor bra, but both is invisible because she still wears her trousers and shirt. Additionally, she has stockings (also invisible), high heels, and maybe a sexy hair cut. I am by no means against the idea of more clothing slots and therefore more variation, but I think you then have to rebalancing your clothing obligations, like adding two of them starting level 4.

- About the style of your game, I really like it. In adult games, you normally can't wait to see the lewd scenes, and normally they get served pretty fast. Your game is different. First, it takes a while until you make a progress, what I really like. Then, of course I am eager to see the lewd scenes, but at the other hand I fear to see them because they result in morale drop. At the moment morale is not that important, but I guess in later versions you constantly struggle to keep your morale up. If you reach this, you achieved the unique thing in your game that sexual harassment really feels like harassment, not like a reward.

Hey, thanks! Sounds like I'm going in the right direction, then. I do think balancing morale against income will become harder with more future scenes, which is why I don't want to nerf income right now. Or at least, that's my intention, anyway. Without that, I don't think it would be a good game that I could be proud of.

In regards to the clothing items, I should clarify; I'm actually working with MutantPrawn to make a brand new doll. The outfit parts in the game will (largely) stay the same. They'll just get new artwork. The one thing I do intend to change are the shirt options. I wasn't satisfied with it being the same shirt, at different levels of buttonage. Now, I'm planning on 3 different kinds of shirts. I'm hoping that the 3 shirts will appropriately represent a transition from masculine -> feminine -> slutty and fallen from grace.