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the character feels really nice to control. moving and jumping feels nice and stopping feels even better. i had to remap some of the keys to make it feel nice for me. i was using the arrow keys to move and having the grab and polarity buttons be higher up on the keyboard wasnt comfortable for me, but i imagine they would be even less comfortable for someone using wasd. i liked the option to have the polarity colour be the same as the magnet bc i found that a bit more intuitive for me

i have a few issues which are things previous commenters have mentioned, but for me the biggest issue was that i had to use a mouse. i didnt have one with me so i had to use the trackpad which really slowed down the gameplay, i wanted to use the arrow keys/wasd keys to aim so bad. since you cant move while aiming anyway, i dont see why this cant be an alternate way to play

another thing would be the last level, it didnt feel as intuitive and it doesnt seem anyone has come to a consensus on what the "correct" way to finish the level is. i personally didnt know if what i did was correct, and it took me way too long to get to it.

to clear the last level i had to turn on aim sensitivity and it seemed i could throw the magnet farther than when i was aiming with my mouse (trackpad lol)

someone else mentioned that the button dimming looked like it couldnt be used again, and i agree. one of the reasons it took me so long to finish the last level (besides the above point) is that i didnt realize that the button could be pressed again. felt kinda stupid when i remembered that an earlier level taught me this tho lol

UI things, a prompt saying "esc to leave" or just a button to exit the options menu would be better as it took me a bit to figure out how to get out. not a long bit but still. also it would be nice to have the quit aim in the tutorial instead of me finding out about it while remapping keys

the last thing i had issues with was the aim toggle, i have no idea how to use that

i dont mind the hub but i understand if other people find it annoying. for only 6 levels i think its fine. i think it would be more interesting to go thru if the hallway wasnt so repetitive. i would like the 'throwing the magnet to enter the level' mechanic a lot more if aiming with a trackpad wasnt such a hassle

the character design is SO CUTE its way better than what it was before, and i absolutely love the way the magnet smiles when u pick it up. i also love that its default state is asleep. the computer character is adorable as well. i love that the arms go back when its holding the magnet and moving. the art design of the levels is consistent and looks really good. i dont think it needs to change, but i wouldnt complain if it was cuter. im a big fan of the character design

besides the last level, the level design seems alright. i dont have much to say about it. im not good at puzzle games but these seemed like good beginner levels for someone like me.

i think thats it. i had a bunch of issues but for the most part it was a good experience. the only big one (for me) was not being able to aim with keyboard as that sometimes ruined the flow for me but the other things didnt bother me as much and i had a good time.