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(1 edit)

I had a couple of "ah-ha!" moments while playing the game which was really cool. A couple thoughts I had while playing:

  • I always felt like "ok now I've got the key, how do I get out of this room and back to the hub... oh wait, the screen is transitioning... oh, I'm back." I dunno, sometimes the key was in a pit that there was no way out of and it felt weird. Maybe if the robot zoops out like Mega Man does after beating a robot master? Though it could be interesting to have to carry the key back to the door to retrieve it.
  • I felt like the robot was really slow when, uh, rolling. When I pressed in a direction it seemed like the robot would gain speed quickly and then just... stop accelerating too soon? Some of the longer screens felt glacial to traverse back and forth.
  • I wonder if throw/aim/pickup/drop would work better mapped to some different buttons? Like maybe pickup/drop is one button and then enter aim mode & throw would be another? I'm reminded of Yoshi's Island's "Hasty" controls where pressing the aim button brings up the aim interface, then releasing it throws the egg (or magnet in this case). That interaction feels like a fundamentally different thing than "pick up or drop an object" to me.