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When you hit download instead of clicking open with WinRar hit save file. When the file is done downloading, in Firefox its on the top right of the browser, in Chrome its bottom left. Right click the file and hit "Open in folder" It will then open the folder the file is contained in and then you will see it as a zip file, right click it and hit "Extract files..." or "Extract here" If you want the game to be in the downloads folder hit "Extract here" If you want to save it in a certain folder hit "Extract files..." after its done extracting, go to the folder you saved it in and then look for the games folder or game application. That should run the game. If that fails try getting the App for on this website and download that then search for the game and hit install and then when that is done and you can access the app, just search for the game and hit install and it will do everything for you.