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This game's addictive as hell but what are you supposed to do about poison? It can't be shielded, it can't be dodged, like surviving enemies stockpiling a million poison stacks on you and killing you instantly on your next turn is ENTIRELY dependent on you either getting a Lord Death of Murder Mountain weapon to 1-shot them before they can move or just having 6 slots open for curatives that you may or may not even be able to find/replenish. Item checks make sense in a dungeon crawler but like the first floor after the tutorial boss? Are you sure? No one else seems to have a problem with it but so many decent runs are halted for me because I didn't lopside my bag with 1 half actually useful gear and 1 half antidotes.

Only real things to do about poison in this version (Don't know about the kickstarter version cus I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to spend the money. xD) is basically either keep a cleansing potion on you and use it only when the poison has built up to a lethal level, use the item that removes one poison per hit, or try to out heal the damage (which obviously only goes so far.)

You have a couple of choices:
1. Kill them fast before they can stack a lot of poison on you. You don't need to be able to 1 shot them. They only poison once every other turn at minimum

2. Get a couple of Cleansing Rags attached to a weapon so you can remove poison each attack, and combine that with some heals/regen through either a beginner wand or from heart gemstone or vampirism

Generally the main goal is just... get rid of the poison dealers first. The longer they live, the more poison will stack on you. All other damage is manageable.