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It's shaping up well Mark! I didn't played the previous demo, just fyi.

I don't know if it's intentional but the throw mechanic feels smooth with analog stick but suddenly starts to snap and that feels really bad. If this isn't intentional I'd suggest you to design everything around D-Pad maybe?
If it is intentional and you want to enforce certain angles at high throw force I'd suggest you to interpolate the line instead of it just instantly snapping to the desired state.

The movement feels good but maybe it can be improved a bit by speeding it up a bit while retaining the jump arc as is.
The high jump feels a bit too floaty in comparison to the tap jump.

The only other things I've noticed is the magnet going through platforms but the character not being able to jump down through and the character starting without the magnet on the hub, it's better if he's already holding it for ease of use.
It happened to me a bunch of times that I moved without grabbing it and had to walk back to get it, hah.