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(1 edit) (+2)

Hi Mark first things first: You did a really good job and this demo is really great so far.

I made note of some good things and some things that either weren´t that good or just of some little issues.

1. To start with the good things first:

  • There were no things I found that were that broken or really bugy
  • The control of the character feels really smooth and you really feel like you are in control of that robot
  • You introduced every main mechanic great by making the player experience that and introducing more advanced mechanics
  • You have many versital level concepts and you make the player think of an individual solution for each one (not by presentating an obvious solution but by making the player testing everything out and as I said thinking)
  • You introduced interesting objects that interact differently with the player and the magnet

Two other things that were positiv is that you can´t change the magnet to +/- before it  is completely attracted by an active source nearby

and that the player gets attracted by a "magnetic push gate" if he´s holding the magnet

2. The things that weren´t that great:

  • After holding E for throwing and then entering and closing the menu you insta throw the magnet (would be better if it completely cancels the throw or just doesn´t throw it and you have to aim as before)
  • If you pass a "push gate" and then instantly turn to the side you came from the gate doesn´t let you through until you moved a bit (just a tiny issue)
  • The throw dot line of the magnet goes through the edge of the pipe however it is solid
  • After selecting fullscreen closing and opening the game it is still in fullscreen but on the button is the wrong selection. The button would normaly say windowed if everythig was correct but it says fullscreen however you already are in fullscreen
  • Before the loading screen is completely gone you can move (I think it would be more enjoyable if you can´t start before the loading screen is gone)
  • Sometimes it would be way better if the player could drop the magnet instead of having to throw it so it doesn´t bounces away from the players target
  • I only found out on accident that you can actually cancel a throw. So if there is a way to tell the player that mechanic I would love to see it in a future game or demo or wathever.

3. To come to a conclusion:

Even if the length of the good and bad sections are more or less even I would say that the sections with the good points absolutely outweights the negative points with no doubt. It already feels like a demo with a finished game waiting to be released. Everything looks and feels great. You really are in control of everything. You have really good puzzles and great objects you can use in those puzzles. To be in control of which level you play is also great for example if you are completely stuck somewhere and don´t know what to do you can just come back at another time.

I hope I could make you feel proud of yourself for what you accomplished and feel great because YOU really deserved that.

Greetings Daniel