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Super fun puzzles but there are some minor problems that whilst not making the game un-fun, are pretty annoying at the very least. The on/off diagonal switches are cute but the collision is a bit weird, you can easily turn them on and while going back turn them off unintentionally, some of them are next to walls and you get "trapped", you can jump out but still.  The reset button should have a hotkey because you can easily get soft-locked in almost every puzzle. And the magnet spawning at the same location as you makes it so every time you reset you can't seed your way out of the start of the puzzle, I would probably spawn the player a bit further back or the magnet further in front so as soon as you restart you can just walk forward and grab the magnet on your way. The hub looks good, but going from one extreme to the other the last few levels was a bit tedious. Overall a pretty good demo, loved the color-changing options for the magnet :3.