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Heyyy! I really love this game! but I'm trying to have the new conversation with Everett, more specific this one:

  • Clearance level (Req: Northcrest situation talk with Alden done, Orc situation reported or blackmailed him after seeing him with Booner)

What am I doing wrong?? I have all the requirements but I don't see the new chat option... Please if anyone can help me I would be really grateful! Thank u ><


Are you up to date with Orc's War and Northcrest's Conspiracy stories?

The devlog mentions that it is triggered if you are up to date with the Orc's War and updated Everett about the situation, the other thing is having confront Everett when you saw him with Booner.

Lastly, you should talk with Alden first, now you should be able to talk with Everett about clearance level.