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I got a playable build! 

Day 4:

I put in a really really ugly UI. There are now 3 healthbars on each side of the screen. The final gold healthbar is the one you want to hit. If you do, the room resets and you gain a point!

Most of the time was taken making the 2nd player work the way it should. The first and second player work exactly the same, but they mirror each other. If the players touch, they slam back to their respective sides. I also made each side of the field deadly to the other player. Player 2 dies if they touch blue, and player 1 dies if they touch orange. This makes it so you can really push some aggressive shots, but you'll be unable to defend your wall until you respawn.

I'm really happy with the way the game is turning out! I'm going to polish it up a little, then I'll put it up so other people can play it!
