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(1 edit)

I found Ezmore’s Crystals a very interactive and immersive game with a relatively compelling storyline. I thought that the response options when talking to NPCs were remarkably diverse. It could have been so much easier to put normal dialog options but by going the extra mile made the game much more fun and engaging. Also, I do appreciate that the option to skip the start was added for those who do not care about the story or for those replaying the game. The environment was amazing as well. There is always something to value like the distinct colors of grass or the incredibly detailed buildings. Although the buildings were not made from Lego, they still felt like they fit in with all the Lego aspects which I admire. Even easter eggs like The Creator being Mr. Schoenhal’s portrait.  


However, there<span class="NormalTextRun SCXW137626202 BCX0" <that="" being="" said="" there<="" span=""> were a few apparent bugs and exploits. When talking to NPCs the player character could still be attacked by enemies. This was not a big deal because it was still possible to kill the enemies, but it was just an inconvenience. Moreover, with all the effort put into the environment there were still a couple flaws. In Studsville there was a wooden fence that was possible to walk through and the black fences that required a key were easy to bypass as well. If you let your player constantly run into the black gates, the player will eventually pop through it. Finally, although it is not a game breaking issue, for some of the players the crystals would not show up on the thing that holds the crystals.</span> 


With all this being said, I rate this game an 7.823 out of 10