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Ezmore’s Crystals is a game with linear progression, disguised as an open world. It has limited dialogue trees and a forced order of quests. But it’s not all bad. To an RPG fan, this would be very enjoyable, and easy to understand. Although, to someone not accustomed to the typical controls of an RPG, it may be confusing. The controls of the game are not explained, so the player is responsible with discovering its odd point-and-click nature. Also, Ezmore’s Crystals has clearly not been very well bug tested or optimized, as foliage can block the mouse, halting navigation. And forested areas will cause extreme frame drops, even on the lowest visual setting. Regarding NPCs, as stated, dialogue trees can be limited, and text is extremely small and hard to read on larger screens. Not to mention how dialogue scenes cannot be skipped.

But to complement the game, the soundtrack is very fitting and improves the ambiance greatly. Also, the inventory system is self-explanatory and easy to use. The drag and drop interface enhances the experience, although the lack of stat numbers on items makes improving one’s equipment difficult

Overall, this game deserves a 4/10. Slightly below average due to number of bugs, quality of life issues, and optimizations that could be easily fixed.