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Ezmore's Crystals is a cool game with some pros and some cons. Starting off with the pros I really loved the challenge the game proved when played on the hardest difficulty I was constantly dying and had to keep innovating in order to beat the enemies and progress in the game. The environment is also beautiful, and it matches the Lego characters because of its simplistic look. I also liked how you could choose dialogue options when talking to characters. It made you more immersed in the game since the characters have different responses depending on what dialogue option you chose. I also liked the Hud it was very simplistic and out of the way, so it didn’t block your view at all, and the inventory was very easy to understand and use. The graphics were also very simple and charming since everyone knows what Lego characters are. Now we move onto the cons of the game. The first thing I noted that I didn’t really like about the game is how the character moves with mouse movements instead of the wasd or arrow keys movement I’m used to. Also, the map was very confusing for me. I was constantly lost due to the symbols on the map I didn’t understand. One of the times I got lost is when you look for the big tower to save someone. A character tells you to go up the hill, open the gate and then go into the tower. Seems simple right? The problem was that there were 3 different hills with gates, so I was lost for 5-7 minutes trying to find the right gate. The map would be easier to understand if the symbols on the map were explained better. In conclusion Ezmore’s crystal was a fun game that I enjoyed playing despite its many flaws. 


I would rate this game a solid 8/10 the graphics and combat in the game are fun but the confusing map prevents it from being rated higher.